About Me

My name is Victoria, I am 20 years old and a student. 
When I was younger I used to always have a planner for school. I used to spend hours looking for fun planners and going into the depths of YouTube on planner reviews. Once I felt constrained by the pre-made insides of a planner, I discovered the bullet journal. I was able to create my own layouts and designs all with the guidelines of a few dots on a page. I enjoyed the creativity. Alongside the creativity, it is extremely stress relieving. When I get overwhelmed, the first thing I always pull out is my bullet journal. With a few coloured pens and a blank page I can break down whatever I have to do into something more attainable, and best of all, make it pretty. Perhaps the pretty part can be procrastination sometimes but hey, nobody’s perfect. One of the best parts is being able to look back at my journal and see the story of my whole year through colours, fonts and drawings.

Often when I show my friends my bullet journal they ask me if I can do some form of organization for them. I have never really had time to do so, but since summer 2020 has come to a halt, I have finally had the time to bring to you PLAN by Victoria Valentine. The purpose of this planner is for all those people who have always wanted to bullet journal but just don’t have the time or energy to do it all themselves. The doodles are done for you! The dotted pages are there for you to have some creative direction if you would like. I’ve tried to make it fun and easy for you to plan your lives. Hopefully it will bring you as much joy and stress relief as it brings me :) Enjoy!

ps.  be sure to check out my tips and tricks for making the most of your journal here!